Games, tools and robot kits
Make your own games
Scratch: create stories, games, and animations
Hopscotch: Games, art, anything
Alice: 3D Animation!
Twine: write Choose Your Own Adventure games
Build something! (this can be expensive)
Little Bits electronics kits
Programmable friendship bracelets
Arduino Starter Kit
Arduino Easy Robot kit
Lego Mindstorms robots
Programming/puzzle games
Blockly from Google
Programming tutorials
Code Avengers
Code School
Pluralsight for kids - covers Scratch, Android App Inventor, etc
A giant collection of code tutorials for kids
A collection of more advanced computer science resources (e.g AP Computer Science)
A collection of tutorials, articles and explanations to introduce programming for video games
App creation helpers
Live Code
Android App Inventor
Online classes
Stanford Computer Science for absolute beginners
Programs your school can join
FIRST Robotics - robots for 7-18 year olds